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“In essentials, unity; In non-essentials, liberty; In all things, love.”

1. The one living God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit eternally, loves everyone.

2. God uniquely revealed and inspired the Bible. It is the only inerrant authority on God’s law, salvation, and how we should live.

3. All humanity has disobeyed God. Our sin has alienated us from God and each other.

4. Jesus’ death in our place can reconcile us to God. We become acceptable to God when we, in faith, surrender our lives to Jesus, accepting him as our savior and master.

5. The Holy Spirit draws sinners to repentance. The Holy Spirit then assures believers of salvation and empowers them to live victoriously and serve effectively.

6. All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are members of His one universal church. God desires to bring believers together to worship an serve Him.

7. The love of God compels us to share the good news of Jesus with others until He returns to reign in righteousness.

In addition to the above non-negotiables, there are many secondary issues that can bring conflict among Christians because of differences in culture, upbringing, personal taste, and past experiences.

Where such secondary issues arise, these opinions should not be allowed to divide Christians or dampen the passion for the Great Commission. There should be much grace extended in these matters—they are not to be treated as non-negotiables.